Please review the following information carefully and complete the Speaker Confirmation Form at the bottom of the page before Friday, February 3, 2024.
File format: PowerPoint (widescreen 16:9). Video files should be embedded in the presentation but also provided as a separate file in case of any issues
Please ensure you plan your presentation and slides according to your allocated time. Clicker, lectern, and microphone provided. The microphone will be on when you arrive at the lectern
A welcome to country will be provided at the commencement of the Symposium.
Please view the Program Page to see who is currently confirmed to also be speaking be in your session.
Please thank your session sponsor at the commencement of the session and read out a short sponsor company overview which will be provided to you in advance of the event
You will be provided with the contact details for the speakers within your session
Please be mindful of timing and keep presenters to their time limits.
Gold Sponsors Hall & Wilcox will be hosting an exclusive networking function on the Tuesday evening prior to the commencement of the Symposium. The event will be held from 5pm to 8pm at Romberg’s Bar at the Crystalbrook, Level 9 282 King Street Newcastle.
This intimate event is only open to speakers, sponsors and exhibitors and provides the opportunity to network with industry peers, meet fellow session speakers, chairs and panellists, and reconnect with New Energy friends. You can also collect your lanyards to enable seamless access to the Symposium on the Wednesday.
We will be holding 30-minute speaker briefing sessions on the 5th, 7th, 8th and 9th of February. Times and login details for these sessions will be communicated with speakers directly.
If you are not attending the full Symposium/unable to attend registration, please arrive at least 1 hour prior to your speaking session and check in with Merran Wiggins via text or in person when you arrive:
Thank you so much for agreeing to be part of the 2024 Hunter New Energy Symposium.
Please complete the form below before Friday, February 3rd, 2024.